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Two Hump Camel PDF Print E-mail

ImageCamels are divided into 5 types. Camels in Mongolia are of the two-humped Bactrian variety. They have traditionally been important for transport (they are used for moving gers) and status, but have been steadily reducing in numbers, perhaps because of the introduction of mechanized transport.

Reserves PDF Print E-mail

Image Mining is one of the main branches in Mongolia's economy. Mongolia is included in a number of countries that are rich with mineral resources. Mongolia's immense potential as a major supplier of minerals is now attracting widespread interest from all sectors in the international minerals industry.

Ulaanbaatar City Map PDF Print E-mail

Ulaanbaatar is situated in central east Mongolia. The city spreads from east to west along a large wide valley. The main road through this valley is Enkh Taivny Orgon Choloo or Peace Avenue. The centre of the city is Sukhbaatar Square, from where all other distances are measured.

Mongolian Social Life PDF Print E-mail

ImageAs of the population census 2000, 46.6 percent of Mongolian population consist of children under 18. Mongolia has adopted international legal documents regarding the protection of children's rights. A law on the protection of children's rights was passed in 1996.

Mongolian Climate PDF Print E-mail

ImageProbably the first thing you were told about Mongolia was that it is very cold. This is true but rather than try to anticipate the various weather patterns of the country, it is better to prepare for the worst-case scenario, which is -40 degrees Celsius (-40º C) with a wind chill factor of -55 degrees Celsius.

Mongolian Nomadic Lifestyle PDF Print E-mail
ImageMongolian customs are unique traditions formed during the development of central Asian nomadic-civilization, which has been passed on from generation to generation of Mongols over the centuries. Mongolian customs and traditions encompassed all aspects of life; the intellect,
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Results 25 - 30 of 105
Experts say copper prices to remain high for next two years

Market observers believe Mongolian copper prices will remain high for at least the next two years. One of the main reasons given for the continuing high prices are delays to planned mining projects caused by increasing percentages of revenues being funneled off by governments in Mongolia and Africa.