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Geographical Map PDF Print E-mail

Geographic Situation Mongolia, covering an area of 1,564,100 square kilometers, lies in the heart of the Asian continent. It stretches about 2,400 km from west to east and about 1,260 km from north to south and bounded on the north by Russia and on the southeast and west by China.

Mongol Empire Map PDF Print E-mail

In 1206, the year of the Tiger, Temuujin managed to unite the Merkits, Naimans, Mongols, Uighurs, Keraits, Tatars and disparate other smaller tribes under his rule through his charisma, dedication, and strong will. An Ikh Khurildai  (Great Council) was announced near the Onon River, by proudly raising the state flag.

Ulaanbaatar City Map PDF Print E-mail

Ulaanbaatar is situated in central east Mongolia. The city spreads from east to west along a large wide valley. The main road through this valley is Enkh Taivny Orgon Choloo or Peace Avenue. The centre of the city is Sukhbaatar Square, from where all other distances are measured.

Map of Mongolia PDF Print E-mail

Topographical Map
Mongolia is mountainous country with an average altitude of 1,580 meters above the sea level. The lowest point Khokh-nuur in the east is 552 meters above sea level and the highest point is the mountain Nairamdal in the Mongolian Altai (in the west) which stands at 4,374 meters.

Experts say copper prices to remain high for next two years

Market observers believe Mongolian copper prices will remain high for at least the next two years. One of the main reasons given for the continuing high prices are delays to planned mining projects caused by increasing percentages of revenues being funneled off by governments in Mongolia and Africa.