Mongolia, Total Solar Eclipse 2008

Mongolia, Total Solar Eclipse 2008
A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun and the earth, covering by its total shadow over the earth’s surface. This event is one of nature’s most spectacular pieces of theater - never failing to impress those fortunate enough to witness it.

A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun and the earth, covering by its total shadow over the earth’s surface. This event is one of nature’s most spectacular pieces of theater - never failing to impress those fortunate enough to witness it.



Western edge close to Mongolian border will be included as a portion of the Path of Totality for the next amazing Total Solar Eclipse on August 1, 2008. Observing it from Mongolia is a good choice with several reasons. Mid-summer is a good time to travel around Western Mongolia and enjoy the landscape, culture and weather.


If you have never seen a Total eclipse, it is impossible to appreciate the magnificence of this spacial event. You will also enjoy stargazing in unpolluted dark skies, the experience of staying with nomads, visiting national parks and reserves where rare wildlife is common, walking the dinosaur fossil rich Gobi Desert and experiencing the beauty of the rolling taiga. All of this and more will create a great context for an unforgettable experience. Mongolian people are very friendly and welcoming.


The track of the moon’s shadow will first touch the surface of the earth at dawn in Northern Canada, it then moves across the north polar region and into Siberia, then across the western edge of Mongolia and leaves the earth at sunset in Central China. The track of the shadow is up to 250km wide but the longest duration of the event is seen by observers close to the center of the track.

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