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Early Yurts

Early Yurts
According to scientists, Yurt has an origin when nomadic and hunter
tribes separated from each others. By the end of 19th century almost
100 ethnic were using Yurt around the world. Some of them still use
Yurt even today. They are some republics of former Soviet Union such as
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Khalimag, Tuva,
Bashkir, Tatar, Kurd, Nogai, Hyagas, Yurukin of Turk.


Yurt Development

Yurt Development

Yurt Development       

The Mongolian yurt has passed through many different stages during its
development process. It has been improved by people with various
intellectual levels over many generations beginning with the wooden
dwelling built by ancient man. Even in the rock paintings left by
ancient men in Mongolia, early dwelling evolution can be seen.


Yurt Structure

Yurt Structure

Yurt Structure       

The oldest complete yurt yet discovered was found in a 13th century
grave in the Khentei Mountains. The majority of Mongolian people are
still living in yurts. Piano Carpini, an Italian missioner wrote 7
centuries ago that “The Mongols build giant tents; once a red tent
accommodated 2000 people”.


Yurt Furniture

Yurt Furniture
The furniture in a ger is made to be not only functional but also
aesthetically pleasing. Many a ger will contain furniture painted
bright shades of orange, blue, pink and white and will usually stand
out inside the ger. The space inside a ger is usually quite limited,
and this lack of space limits the size of most of the furniture.


Yurt Types

Yurt Types
{mosimage}The yurt or, as Mongolian's call it, "ger" is an amazing product of the
nomadic style of life, which has been transformed into present form and
design over three thousand years. The Mongolian yurt has always been an
important part of nomadic life as a dwelling place.


Ger-Yurt Etiquette

Ger-Yurt Etiquette
For many thousands of years Mongols have traditionally dwelled in yurts
(gers). Mongol nomads invented this type of dwelling. The frame is
chiefly made of willows and it's covered with felt. This is a
multipurpose dwelling which can be easily collapsed, transported to
another place and put up again fully preserving its original shape.



A part of mutton that includes the lower 3 ribs, back, rump and
tail. Cutting from the other parts of meat correctly depends on which
side is the head or beginning. Where is the head or beginning of meat
parts? The side of animal head is the beginning.



Mongolian people prepare the meat for the whole year's usage in the last month of autumn or first month of winter. Beef is consumed by bfating in big chunks, or in noodle soup, buuz, or
khuushuur; it is also cut into small pieces and put in a sack to have
it dried.


Mongolian Hat

Mongolian Hat
{mosimage} There were over 100 types of hats, dif¬ferent in shape and purpose - for young and old, men and woman, fashionable and everyday hats. For summer and winter, holiday and ceremonies. Regular hats like "louz" can serve for all occasions. In winter the hat edges can be lowered and protect against wind or cold. On warmer days sides are rolled up and tied on back side.


Traditional Clothing

Traditional Clothing
Mongolians like to wear nice, richly decorated clothes, compensating for the simple frugal nomadic lifestyle. A harsh climate and uneasy life demand attention to the smallest details of the clothes. It's amazing how this nation created clothes fitting all seasons and needs well through out and used in many different ways.



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