Ger Furniture

Ger Furniture

The furniture in a ger is made to be not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Many a ger will contain furniture painted bright shades of orange, blue, pink and white and will usually stand out inside the ger. The space inside a ger is usually quite limited, and this lack of space limits the size of most of the furniture.Most visitors into a ger are surprised at how small the chairs and tables are. The chairs are very low to the ground and have no backs at all. The tables, in relation to the chairs are also very low to the ground. However this arrangement makes for a very comfortable and friendly sitting area around the table. The furniture is also built to maximize functionality. Most bed will lift up revealing a surprising amount of storage underneath. It is important to have this storage space because Mongolians generally like to keep their gers free of clutter.

Ger Dresser

The dresser is usually takes the center place in the ger, it is usually located south of the door along the wall. The dresser, like all the other furniture is usually brightly painted and contains the clothes and goods of the family’s. The dresser is also used as a mantle to the display the family’s pictures and interesting items. The top of the dresser can also be used like a table during gatherings. The front of the dresser is often carved with traditional images.

Ger Beds

The beds in a Mongol ger are similar to a large box made of wood. The top of the box-frame is layered with padding to make for a firm yet comfortable bed. The arrangement of the beds is important and usually ger beds aren’t placed south of the door. The beds are also brightly painted with orange, blue, pink and white to match the rest of the ger furniture. Inside the beds there is an ample amount of storage space for much of the family’s needs.


The chairs in a Mongolian ger are surprisingly tiny yet comfortable. They are usually very simple with a seat connected by four legs. Their small size reflects the maximization of space inside the ger. The chairs are usually brightly painted to match the rest of the furniture. The small chairs allow the ger’s occupants to offer seats to a large number of visitors and allows everybody to sit close to each other.

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