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Sunday April 10th 2011


Posts Tagged ‘animals in Mongolia’

Animals in Mongolia

Animals in Mongolia

Animals adapted to all kind of ecosystems such as forest, steppe, desert, alpine, tundra, talus and water surrounding grove, have established themselves in Mongolia. Many animals, which are frequently spread throughout the Siberian taiga, European-type forests, western Asia and Turan desert, are included in the aforementioned animals. Also there [...]

Gobi Bear

According to a comparative survey on breeding of Gobi bear the male begins to breed from five years and the female starts from four years. Scientifically effective measures for protecting the Gobi bears' genetic resources are required. An observation was undertaken into Gobi bears' locations such as the Khukh Ders, Khatuu Bulag, Altan Tevsh, Suuj [...]

Wild Horse Takhi

The Takhi are the last remaining wild horses worldwide. It is also known as the (named after the Russian explorer who first discovered the horse in 1878 in Mongolia) is probably the most recognised and successful symbol of the preservation and protection of Mongolia's diverse and unique wildlife. The last wild Mongolian Takhi was spotted in the [...]

Two Hump Camel

Two Hump Camel

Camels are divided into 5 types. Camels in Mongolia are of the two-humped Bactrian variety. They have traditionally been important for transport (they are used for moving gers) and status, but have been steadily reducing in numbers, perhaps because of the introduction of mechanized transport. Bactrian camels also live in the wild in Mongolia, but [...]