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Sunday March 20th 2011


Undur Dov

The hilly area between Ikh and Baga Gun and Ayagan Lakes, in the territory of Tuv Province. In 1925, B.Ya.Vladimirtsov, a Russian archeologist and scholar, and Baraadyn Bazar, a buriatian scholar, made archeological reconnaissance trip around the Minor Khentii or Terelj of Khentii and Great and Small Gun lake area and discovered two hills, remainder of an ancient city or town. One of these two hills is located in the area called Gun Galuut and several findings were found such as big rectangular bricks and ceramic pots from here. Vladimirtsov concluded that it was a small town with walls and four gates, according to local man Dendev’s note. Building background of Undur Dov walls.In 1952, Kh.Perlee dug Undur Dov and mapped and described the town. During digging it was cleared that Under Dov was surrounded with pressured walls with tower on the walls for guarding and there was a remainder of big rectangular building. During reconaissance trip of archeologists in spring 1995, some part of the wall was removed in order to build dam for the railway. Some say it was an ancient city of Huns, but some convince that it was from 17-18 century.

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