Tag Archive for 'Mongolians'

Population of Mongolia

Population of Mongolia

Mongolian populationMongols are one of the great races of mankind, including the greater part of the inhabitants of China, Japan, Kazakh and the interior of Asia, with branches in Northern Europe and other parts of the world. Mongolians have developed into who they are from their intimate relationship with the vast lands of Mongolia. Nowadays, more than 10 million live in countries around the world, some of them habitats western bank of Caspian sea, central Afghanistan, Tibet and Chinese Yunnan. Now, 2.5 million Mongols live in Mongolia.
Mongolians can be subdivided into more than 20 different ethnic groups, which are scattered across the country, these groups can be distinguished by their individual customs, histories and dialects. The population is homogeneous, with Mongol-speaking people consisting 95% of the total. Readmore…

Swimming pools in Ulaanbaatar

Swimming pools in Ulaanbaatar

Swimming pool in UlaanbaatarThere are three swimming pools in UB, the best of them is situated on the opposite side of the river in front of the Sky supermarket and the Chinggis Hotel. It can be easily distinguished by the blue glass dome on the roof of the building. The pool costs around 4,000 tugrug per session and is a popular place to hangout at weekends. Health and fitness is becoming increasingly popular with young people in Mongolia and the pool can get quite busy at the weekend with children and teenagers going wild all over the place



    By Mongolian Airline
    Valid within
    One Way 
    UB-TOKYO 3 months
    UB-BEIJING 1 month
    UB-SEOUL  3 months
    UB-MOSCOW 1 month

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