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Tuesday September 28th 2010


Stone and Monuments in Khentii Province

Deer stone, Monument and tumulus

1. Ondorkhan’s human stone
This human stone, called “Gelen” monument by locals, is located 2-3 km from the airport of the province’s center. It is like a sitting man wearing traditional hat and hairstyle of if is similar to Chinggis qahan hair on a portrait. This historical human stone that is worshipped local residents by meets you first when you go into Khentii Aimag’s territory. It became officially protected by the state in 1998.

2. Sono Mountain’s human stone
This human stone that belongs to Tureg Empire period is located on the southeast slope of Sono Monuntain. Childlike picture is carved on the stone board with size of 75:40:15.

3. Ustiin Amnii Dorvoljin Bulsh (Grave)
There are two tumuluses, 10 square-shaped small and big graves and 6 round-shaped small graves. Scientists dug up one them and took out a stone coffin with size of 3:4.
There were jawbones of horse and sheep under the flat stone at the head’s part inside the coffin and they were pointed to the top of a rocky hill. Also, there were broken stone cups in the coffin. Due to a determination it was estimated that this grave belongs to the 10-8* century B.C.

4.  Khushuun Khuur human stones
Four human stones with square parapets and that are standing in line from the Khomuultei’s bridge of Kherien river are facts of the 5 -6th century.

5. Kherlentoono Mountain and its historical places
The mountain, 1578 m above the sea level, is located in the south of Kherien Bayan Ulaan Uul Mountain. There is a stone with scripts that were written by Manjur’s qahan Enkhamgalan when he was going to war with Galdanboshgit. Also, there are many human stone graves and tumulus that are under protection of the province and they are believed to belong to the early bronze age.

6. Monuments of Suj steppe
The terrace with some shore that is in the south of Suj steppe. Delgerkhaan somon, is called Khushuutiin Khuur. There are three monuments standing from west to east. First monument: this monument’s size is 170:35 and top of this long oval stone is round shaped, it looks like deer stone because it is carved across on the front.

Monument in the middle: it is situated in the southeast of first monument in distance of lkm.this monument with flat offering stones on the right side belongs to the Tureg Empire period. Last monument: it is located 7 km from first monument.

One side of dark brown metal oxide sand stone monument is flattened. Locals call them upper and lower monuments as well as telling legends that they were Chinggis qahan foal rope.

7.   Mongol graves around Kherlenbayan Ulaan Mountain
Nearly ten graves were dug out in Dolood subdivision of Delgerkhaan somon. Men from the 12-13* century were buried upright and things like bronze mirror, coins and traditional clothes such hat, deel and boots were found from the graves. Also, a grave of a man was found in Khuiten Khoshuu of Kherlenbayan Ulaan Uul Mountain and that grave was inside four stone parapets under a big flat stone on the 2.5 m heights. Head of the grave was pointed to the east and the body’s legs were upright and were wearing Mongolian traditional boots. It was a rare occasion that the corpse’s plaited black hair and scalp were still fresh. The grave is considered to be mid-centuries’ historical fact.

8. Khanan’s Paleolithic Facts
Khanan Mountain, 1400 m above the sea level, is located in the west of Delgerkhaan sompn center and north of Kherlen River. If we see this mountain from a quite far distance we’ll notice natural and interesting wall rocks that seem to be laid on each other by people on purpose. There are many graves and artifacts of Stone Age around the mountain. About 100 tools that belong to Paleolithic Age were found from this mountain.

9. Gun Burd’s human stone
There are two human stones that stands 100 m away from each other on the southern coast of Gun Burd, small lake in the southeast of Delgerkhaan somon. These human stones are like men without heads sitting cross-legged and they are made of white granite. Size of one of the human stones is 80:62:48 cm and there are three flat stones that prove there were parapets. The other one’s size is 76:58:42 cm and there is one flat stone that half of it is under sand. Reddish and gray clay that is used for construction is found near the both human stones and it proves that here were immolation temples.

10. Huns Grave in Duulga Mountain
Dark-colored domed mountain that is situated in the southeast of Jargaltkhaan somon center is called Duulga Mountain. There are 142 Huns graves along the northern slope of small mouth in the southwest of the sunny side of the mountain. Many searchers and scientists studied these graves and put them in proper order. Many things such as vases, swords, iron knives, spearhead, arrowhead, ring of bridle bit and artifacts made of deer horn were found from these graves. These artifacts might be related to some Huns tribe’s faith and it is explained with Mongolian tradition of funeral (Mongolians draw the place for funeral with deer horn).

11. Bor Bulagiin Am (Grave)
There are 125 graves that belong to Huns, Tureg and Mongol Empire in the territory of Binder somon. Most of the graves belong to Huns period. Size of the biggest grave, which is square shaped, is 29.2:27.2 m and size of other graves 8-10 m in average.

12. Asgatiin Durvuljin Bulsh (Grave)
There are 6 graves of Bronze Age in the Asgat Hill that is located in the west of Binder somon center. Artifacts of this grave are considered to be the first Mongolian artifacts and one of them is bronze minted horse decoration with size of 4:6.2. These graves are explained in connection with the 7-11th century A.D because there are artifacts such as stud decorations and stone ladle for making minted products.

13. Uppor Olziit(Grave)
There are 24 graves, which are surrounded by many stones in one place at the northern slope of Deed Olziit Mountain, located in the southeast of Kherlen Somon center. Due to the research, the graves were determined that they belong to Bronze Age of eastern part of Mongolia because there were broken vases near the heads of corpses, tracks of fire, red coins on the chest and legs, which scientists find commonly in the graves of that time.

14. Binder’s Deer Stone
There are 12 graves, two quite big tumuluses and two deer stones in the north of Oglogch River that flows through Binder Somon territory. One of the deer stones is made sandy shale, its size is 230:42:30 and axe, belt, knife, bow and arrow and 6-7 deer are carved on the stone. The other deer stone’s size is 250:31:41cm and made of sandy stone and 7 deer are carved on the whole stone.

15. Oglogch River’s artifacts of Stone Age
There is beautiful nature with combination of mountains, steppes, forests, grasses, water and many animals around this place. About 1000 artifacts that belong to Stone Age were found from here.

16. Egiin Jivkhestein (Graves)
There are quite many graves in Jivkhestei, wide mouth that reaches Eg River in the northwest of Batshireet Somon center. When searchers dug up 8 graves around Eg River, Jivkhestei and Norovlin mountain one of the graves were interesting one. A woman and two children were buried together and they were buried in a round sarcophagus with diameter of 5 m and stone pillows were under the heads. Red coins, white watery spirit and horse teeth were next to the bodies that were pointed to the east. An adult person and a child were buried in another one and the same things were found from the grave, thus, they belong to Bronze Agey

17. Yoliin Baits (Grave)
There are 12 round shaped graves and 21 square shaped graves in southern slope of Yoliin Baits. These graves were found with things such as broken vases with patterns on them, three-legged cooking pot and horse skull. Scientists think that these graves had been plundered in past times. Size of graves is 240:350 cm in average and appearances are relatively similar to each other and they are related to Bronze Age.

18. Dobu Mergen’s Monument
There is a group of tumuluses at the end of Tenkheleg stream in the northeast of Dadal somon. As legend says they are related to Borte Wolf’s 12th generation’s people who were Dobu Mergen and Duve Sokhor.

19. Deed Olziit’s Graves
There are 24 square-shaped graves in the southern slope of Deed Olziit Mountain, located in Omnodelger somon territory. These graves all have common types of Bronze Age of East Mongolia.

Size of graves is 3.2:4.4 m and there were relatively a few artifacts such as broken vases and red coins inside the graves when they were dug up.

20. Dund Jargalant’s Deer Stone
There are 5 deer stones in a valley of JargalantRiver, Omnodelger somon. Deer is described with long slender neck, needle-sharp fin. round-shaped swollen rump, short tail, long slim legs, snout like bird and horns like ornaments. These monuments belong to the 7-9,h century.

21. Togs Ondor’s Graves
There are three graves lying next to each other in the confluence of Jargalant and Chandmani Rivers that flow by the southern slope of Togs Ondor Mountain, Omnodelger somon. These graves were researched in 1967. These graves are all square-shaped and parapets were accurately flattened.and no remains were found from the graves. But searchers think that the corpse was lost or people re-buried it after a long time. Artifacts such as clay utensils seem to be related to Kidan Empire’s period and Ancient Kidan people used to bury dead people by cremating after leaving them three days in the sun.

22. Khurkh-Jargalant’s Graves
There are group of graves with human-shaped stones in the northwest of Khurkh-Jargalant. Omnodelger somon. If we observe those graves carefully first four graves seem to be buried in couple. The first grave of this group graves has fractured stone in front of it that proves that it had a monument before. During excavation, horse teeth and segments of bone were found from this grave. There were artifacts such as segments of fed clay utensil, remains of bones, tracks of fire and burnt coal in the second grave. The third grave’s size is 1.95:0.30 m and it looks like human with figures of nose and mouth on it. As a result of excavation, there were track of fire, coal, sheep and goat bones horse bones as well as there were nearly ten white egg-shaped stones put in round and one bigger white oval stone was put like column inside them. Researchers think that these graves are snowcock funerals.

23. Baruun Ar’s Huns Grave
A grave that is in Baruun Ar, located in the east of Jargaltkhaan somon, is called, as “Gelen” monument by locals and it is not searched in detail. If we look at its craftsmanship, description and following parapets of immolation it seems to be one of the many Turkish monuments in Mongolia.

24. Duurlig Nars’s Huns Grave
Pine forest in the south of Adarga somon is called Duurlig Nars and there are about 200 graves of ancient Huns 1km away from the center of the somon. These Huns graves are weighted down with round-shaped and square-shaped stones and there are vestibules in front of the graves. Diameter of the graves is 20-30 m in average and some of them have 40:40 m square ranges. These graves are hypothesized to be aristocrat’s graves.

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One Response to “Stone and Monuments in Khentii Province”

  1. amgalan says:

    hi yu b amilt huse

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