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Ulaanbaatar City Map of Mongolia

copy_of_citymap Ulaanbaatar is situated in central east Mongolia. The city spreads from east to west along a large wide valley. The main road through this valley is Enkh Taivny Orgon Choloo or Peace Avenue. The centre of the city is Sukhbaatar Square, from where all other distances are measured. Bogd Khan, Bayanzurkh, Chingeltei and Songino Khairkhan mountains surround the city. The Tuul river runs from east to west in the south of the city. The city is divided into 8 districts and many sub districts and micro districts.

Ulaanbaatar is situated in central east Mongolia. The city spreads from east to west along a large wide valley. The main road through this valley is Enkh Taivny Orgon Choloo or Peace Avenue. The centre of the city is Sukhbaatar Square, from where all other distances are measured. Bogd Khan, Bayanzurkh, Chingeltei and Songino Khairkhan mountains surround the city. The Tuul river runs from east to west in the south of the city. The city is divided into 8 districts and many sub districts and micro districts.


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