
There are a number of massage parlors around UB most of which are all above board with no funny business. UB Massage is on Seoul Street and offers a relatively good service. A full body massage for 1 hour costs 15,000 Tugrug and is a worth while indulgence.

Ever goods in the 3rd and 4th micro district is hailed as the best in town with fully trained and qualified masseuses. A 1 hour massage costs between 15,000 and 20,000 Tugrik. The staff at the Emerged Centre are all Korean trained and they also have a resident sports injury therapist.

They also offer Hawaiian hot stone massages and other above the table professional services.

Beware of the service at the Seoul Hotel on Peace Avenue, unless that's what your looking for! Likewise you might find that any “massage” service the hotels offer you are simply personal service attendants. Housewives beware if your husbands on a business trip here!

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