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Mongolian-English Dictionary

Price – $69.99 (Single User)

The Mongolian-English Dictionary from Lingua Mongolia is the first piece of commercial dictionary software for Uighur-script and Cyrillic Mongolian in the world. The culmination of over four years of work, it has been designed to work on all Windows-based operating systems without the need to change System Locales or download and install any fonts. Setup is fast and automatic and the install file is just over 2MB in size – making it easy to download on even dial-up connections.
The dictionary is ideal for translators and researchers, students of the Mongolian language and Mongolian students learning English.

* Over 24,000 Cyrillic and Uighur-script headwords
* Thousands of usage examples
* Search using Cyrillic Mongolian
* Search using the Uighur-Mongolian Script
* Search using standard transliteration
* English Search Mode
* Wildcard Search Mode
* Regular Expression Search Mode
* Intelligent VirtualKeyboard for
entering Mongolian
* No need to install any extra fonts
or change System Locales
* Fast, automatic setup
* Receive monthly program updates
from Lingua Mongolia

The dictionary features the Lingua Mongolia Intelligent Virtual Keyboard, allowing users to enter Mongolian words while also verifying that the correct ligatures have been inputted. However, users can also type Mongolian directly into the search field without the need for any specialist third-party software or fonts. In addition, definitions are displayed as soon as the user begins typing and in the case of ambiguous readings the dictionary presents users with all matches for the specified word-shape.

The dictionary can scan webpages written in Cyrillic Mongolian and recognise an average of 85% of the words encountered. The dictionary de-conjugates verbs, listing both the base form, conjugated form and the name and meaning of the verb tense and/or case ending used. Users can then easily make sense of Cyrillic Mongolian webpages without having to search for each individual word – greatly aiding the process of gaining reading proficiency in Mongolian. It also converts numbers, abbreviations and acronyms into their written-word equivalents. Simply drag and drop text from any webpage onto the main definition pane and the dictionary will do the rest!

The dictionary can also automatically recognise transliterated Mongolian text, regardless of which transliteration scheme is being employed. You can drag individual words or running text from pdf files, word documents and webpages and then drop them directly onto the dictionary window, whereby it will display a list of all recognised words in the order in which they were found – aiding in the reading and translation of transliterated texts.

The dictionary provides coverage for words from all periods of development of the Mongolian language – from preclassical lexical oddities to modern slang and everything in between. Furthermore, the dictionary is also constantly being updated on a daily basis and updates will be provided to users in the form of a monthly update.

Please note that if you are intending to use the Mongolian-English Dictionary on a network you will have to purchase additional licenses (not including the fee for the software itself) from Lingua Mongolia. Institutional Licenses are charged at $179.99 USD – allowing the software to be installed on as many machines as desired at the campus or campuses of the institution to which the license is registered. Additional licenses can also be purchased for the price of $10.00 USD per license. If you require multi-user services, please contact Lingua Mongolia to arrange this.

If you have any questions regarding the Mongolian-English Dictionary or if you are already a user and have any suggestions for improvement, please contact Lingua Mongolia directly on the form below.

e-mail: [email protected]
web: http://www.linguamongolia.co.uk/soft1.html

In addition, there is no need to install any extra fonts or change System Locales, setup is totally automated and the download size is just over 2Mb. The dictionary is compatible with almost every Windows platform (Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 Server and Vista).

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1 Response for “Mongolian-English Dictionary”

  1. uuniig orchuulaad og says:

    Шуудангийн салбар нь морин өртөө – шуудантай шууд холбоотой. Морин өртөө шуудан нь үүсэл хөгжлийн хувьд дэлхийн шуудан холбооны түүхэнд тэргүүн байрт орох нэгэн төрөл юм. Бүр Х-ХI зууны үеийн Монголд шуудан байсан ажээ. 1228-1241 онд хаан ширээнд сууж байсан Чингис хааны гуравдугаар хөвгүүн Өгөдэй хаан эцгээсээ хойших хугацаанд бүтээсэн 4 сайн зүйлийн 1 нь морин өртөө шууданг байгуулсан явдал юм. Монгол гүрний дотор элч нар уургын улаа хэрэглэж байснаас үүдэн XIII зууны эхний хагаст шуудангийн өртөө байгуулагдсан байна. Анх 37 суурь өртөө байгуулж мянгат бүрээс суурь тутамд улаач , унааны морь , шүүсний хонь, саалийн гүү, хөллөх үхэр зэргийг тогтоосон хэмжээгээр гаргах үүрэг ногдуулжээ. Монгол шуудангийн зохион байгуулалт журам ёс нь дундад зууны үеийн феодалын дорой буурай орон цагийн үед хамаарах боловч тэр үеийн Европын шуудантай харьцуулахад илүү сайн, тухайн эзэнт улсын нөхцөл байдалд илүү зохицсон байжээ. Тийм ч учраас Монголын шуудан бусад улс орны анхаарлыг татаж монгол шуудангийн нэр томъёо олон орны үгийг баяжуулсан гэж эрдэмтэд үздэг байна. Энэхүү урт удаан хугацааны түүхийн явцад өртөө нь улам бүр боловсронгуй болон хөгжсөөр ирсэн бөгөөд Ардын хувьсгал мандаж 1921 оны 7 дугаар сарын 19-нд Ардын засгийн газрын тэргүүлэгчдийн 6-р хурлын тогтоолоор Монгол улсын шуудан бичиг, Цахилгаан мэдээний ерөнхий хороог байгуулсан нь одоогийнМонгол Шуудан ХХК юм. Шуудангийн байгууллага нь анх байгуулагдсан цагаасаа хойш одоог хүртэл дор дурдагдсан нэр хаягтайгаар ажиллаж иржээ.

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